How much you can borrow is dependant on several factors. This is why we carry out an ‘affordability assessment’ with you to make sure we obtain the correct borrowing amount for you.
An affordability assessment includes your employment status and income, any outstanding credit commitments, your age and if you have any dependants along with other factors.
A Mortgage in principle, a decision in principle or a ‘mortgage promise’ is a statement from a lender that shows you they will consider you for a mortgage and how much you can borrow.
Dependant on your circumstances, you may or not may not have to pay stamp duty. This is based on whether the property is for residential or non-residential use, if you’re a first time-buyer or own other properties. Your mortgage advisor and solicitor can give you more information on any stamp duty charges you may have to pay.
A house deposit is an amount of money you pay towards your home, with the rest of the property being funded by a mortgage. The deposit is a percentage of the full cost of the property. The minimum is 5%, but the higher the deposit you put down, the better the mortgage interest rate and the less you have to repay on a mortgage.
Conveyancing is the process of preparing legal documents for a property sale, remortgage or lease extension, and transferring legal ownership if the property is being sold. If you're buying or selling a home, you'll need a conveyancer or property solicitor to deal with the Land Registry, draw up contracts and transfer the cash.
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